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Book Review: The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

Photo by Eden Constantino on Unsplash

In The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months, authors Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington challenge traditional annual planning methods, advocating for a more dynamic and efficient approach to achieving goals. The book posits that most people’s productivity is hampered by the conventional yearly planning cycle, leading to procrastination and a lack of urgency. Instead, Moran and Lennington propose a 12-week system that compresses annual goals into shorter, more manageable time frames, fostering a sense of urgency and focus that drives higher performance.

Key Recommendations:

1. Abandon Annual Planning: The core premise of The 12 Week Year is to move away from annual goal setting. Moran and Lennington argue that setting goals on an annual basis leads to complacency and procrastination. By shortening the planning cycle to 12 weeks, individuals and organisations can create a heightened sense of urgency, resulting in more focused and immediate actions.

2. Create a Vision: The authors emphasise the importance of having a clear and compelling vision. This vision should articulate what success looks like and why it is important. It serves as the foundation for the 12-week plan, guiding decisions and actions. Moran and Lennington suggest breaking down this vision into long-term (5-10 years) and mid-term (3 years) components, which then inform the shorter 12-week goals.

3. Develop a 12 Week Plan: The book outlines a structured approach to creating a 12-week plan. This involves setting specific, measurable goals and defining the critical actions required to achieve them. The plan should be simple and focused, avoiding the temptation to take on too much. According to the authors, clarity and simplicity are key to execution.

4. Measure Progress: Measurement is crucial in the 12-week system. Moran and Lennington recommend tracking weekly progress through a scorecard that measures both lead and lag indicators. Lead indicators are the actions taken (e.g., number of sales calls made), while lag indicators are the results achieved (e.g., revenue generated). This dual focus ensures that the emphasis remains on the process as well as the outcome.

5. Accountability and Commitment: Accountability is a recurring theme in The 12 Week Year. The authors suggest establishing an accountability system, such as a peer support group or a mentor, to keep track of progress and provide feedback. Regular review meetings are encouraged to discuss successes, challenges, and adjustments needed to stay on track. Commitment to the plan is reinforced by these accountability structures.

6. Take Ownership: Moran and Lennington stress the importance of taking ownership of one's actions and results. They advocate for a proactive mindset where individuals accept full responsibility for their outcomes. This ownership mentality is crucial for overcoming obstacles and staying motivated throughout the 12-week cycle.

7. Weekly Execution: The book highlights the significance of weekly planning and execution. Each week should begin with a planning session to review the past week’s performance, adjust plans as needed, and set clear priorities for the upcoming week. Daily actions should align with weekly goals, ensuring that every day contributes to the overall objectives.


The 12 Week Year is a transformative guide for anyone looking to boost their productivity and achieve their goals more effectively. By condensing the planning cycle and fostering a sense of urgency, Moran and Lennington provide a practical framework for sustained high performance. The book's emphasis on vision, measurement, accountability, and ownership offers valuable insights that can be applied across various personal and professional contexts. If you're tired of the traditional annual planning rut and are seeking a more dynamic approach to goal setting, The 12 Week Year is a must-read.

This book is particularly useful for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals who are looking to enhance their productivity and achieve their goals more rapidly. With its actionable advice and structured approach, The 12 Week Year is poised to change the way we think about time management and goal achievement.


You can find Moran and Lennington's The 12 Week Year on Amazon UK.

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