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Book Review: Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results by Morten Hansen

In the business world, collaboration is often heralded as the silver bullet for success, but as Morten Hansen elucidates in his incisive book Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results, it's not simply about getting more people involved. This compelling read delves deep into the mechanisms and strategies that facilitate effective collaboration, while also highlighting the pitfalls that leaders need to avoid.

Key Insights and Thesis

Hansen's primary thesis is that indiscriminate collaboration can be just as detrimental as its total absence. The author introduces the concept of "bad collaboration" – including unnecessary meetings, redundant overlaps in teamwork, and misaligned goals – that drains resources and dilutes focus. Instead, he advocates for "disciplined collaboration": the idea of executing cooperative efforts where they are truly impactful and dismissing them when they are not.

One of the standout insights from the book is the "T-Shaped Management" approach. Hansen describes this as the ability of managers to both delve deeply into their own areas of expertise while also reaching out across disciplines. This cross-pollination of skills and knowledge is what, according to Hansen, powers innovative solutions and sustainable business practices.

Practical Advice

What sets Hansen's work apart is its utility. Each chapter is not only rich with theoretical insights but also packed with practical advice. Hansen provides a toolkit for leaders to assess when to collaborate and when to push for individual effort. He also offers strategies for overcoming common barriers to collaboration, such as siloed thinking and the 'not invented here' syndrome. Through various case studies from companies like Apple and Procter & Gamble, he demonstrates how these strategies have been successfully implemented in real-world scenarios.


While Collaboration is robust in its exploration of cooperative work dynamics, its heavy reliance on case studies from predominantly large, global companies might not resonate with leaders from smaller organisations or startups, who may face different collaborative challenges. Moreover, some readers might find the book's emphasis on frameworks and models a bit dense if they are looking for lighter, more anecdotal content.


Morten Hansen's Collaboration is a thought-provoking read that challenges the conventional wisdom of 'more is better'. It's particularly relevant for leaders who are navigating the complex dynamics of large teams or multinational corporations. This book doesn't just preach the importance of working together; it provides a clear, structured approach to discerning when and how collaboration should unfold to harness its full potential while avoiding its traps.

For anyone in a leadership position, reading this book could mark a transformative step in refining how strategic decisions about collaboration are made, ensuring that collective effort is not just busy work, but a potent tool for achieving significant results.


You can find Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results by Morten Hansen on Amazon UK.

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