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A Step-by-Step Guide to Documenting Your As-Is Business Processes

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash


Begin with an introduction to the importance of understanding current business processes. Explain that capturing the 'as-is' state is crucial for identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement before implementing changes.

What is an As-Is Business Process?

Define the term 'as-is business process' and explain its role in process management. Discuss how it serves as a baseline for process analysis and re-engineering.

Step 1: Identify the Scope and Objectives

  • Define the Scope: Clearly define what process or processes need documentation. Limiting the scope prevents project overrun and keeps the focus sharp.

  • Set Objectives: Outline what you hope to achieve by documenting the process. Objectives could include improving efficiency, reducing cost, or preparing for business process re-engineering.

Step 2: Gather the Right Team

  • Select a Team: Assemble a team with knowledge of the process. This might include process participants, managers, and other stakeholders.

  • Assign Roles: Designate roles such as a project leader, a note-taker, and process experts.

Step 3: Collect Existing Documentation

  • Review Existing Documents: Gather any existing documents related to the process, such as flowcharts, policy documents, and user manuals.

  • Evaluate Relevance and Accuracy: Assess the documents for relevance and currency to ensure they reflect the current process accurately.

Step 4: Conduct Workshops and Interviews

  • Organise Workshops: Conduct workshops with stakeholders to discuss the process in detail.

  • Perform Interviews: Interview individuals who perform the process daily to gather detailed, step-by-step insights.

  • Use Observation: Direct observation can help identify discrepancies between what's documented and what's actually done.

Step 5: Map the Process

  • Choose Your Tools: Select appropriate tools for process mapping, such as flowchart software (e.g., Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart).

  • Draft the Process Map: Create a visual representation of the process. Begin with major milestones and drill down to detailed tasks.

Step 6: Validate the Process Map

  • Review Sessions: Hold sessions with process participants to review the documented process map. This is critical to ensure accuracy and completeness.

  • Incorporate Feedback: Make necessary adjustments based on feedback to accurately reflect the process.

Step 7: Document Findings and Recommendations

  • Create a Final Report: Compile the findings into a comprehensive report. This should include the process map, descriptions of each step, and any relevant data collected.

  • Recommend Improvements: While the primary focus is documenting the as-is state, noting obvious improvements can set the stage for future initiatives.


Summarize the benefits of documenting as-is processes, like improved transparency and more informed decision-making. Encourage businesses to consider this an essential practice for continuous improvement.

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