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Code of Conduct

Our Vision


To cultivate a community committed to the enhancement and mastery of professional transferable skills, empowering members to excel in diverse workplace scenarios and advance their careers.


Our Values


  • Professional Growth: We are committed to developing skills that enhance employability and effectiveness in various professional contexts.

  • Collaborative Learning: We believe in learning from each other through shared experiences and knowledge.

  • Respect and Integrity: We conduct ourselves with professionalism and respect for diverse viewpoints.

  • Inclusivity: We aim to support all members in their professional development, regardless of their current skill level or background.

  • Accountability: We hold ourselves and each other accountable to engage actively and uphold the club’s standards.


Member Commitments


  1. Focused Preparation: Members agree to prepare by studying the materials relevant to the upcoming session’s skill focus.

  2. Active Participation: Members should engage in discussions and activities, applying and reflecting on skills within the context of their professional experiences.

  3. Professional Conduct: Interactions should reflect the standards expected in a professional environment, fostering a culture of mutual respect and ethical behaviour.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Members are encouraged to apply learned skills in their professional lives and share their experiences and outcomes with the club.


Forum & Meeting Etiquette


  • Maintain professionalism in discussions and while sharing feedback.

  • Encourage and support fellow members, recognizing the vulnerability involved in skill development.

  • Utilize real-world scenarios to ground discussions in practical, applicable ways.


Handling Disagreements


  • Approach conflicts as opportunities for growth, focusing on the issue and not the individual.

  • Use disagreements as a chance to practice effective communication and conflict resolution skills.


Feedback and Evolution


  • Members are encouraged to suggest new skills or topics and provide feedback on club activities and direction.

  • The club will periodically reassess its focus areas to ensure they remain relevant to current professional landscapes.




This club is a platform for professional development through the collective pursuit of knowledge in essential transferable skills. By committing to these principles, we create an environment where professional skills are not only learned but also applied, leading to personal and career advancement for all members.

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